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A chorus of Pacific chorus frogs... or tree frogs, if you'd rather. A tiny frog [...]
The toughleaf iris, Iris tenax. They're relatively small, so I don't know why they have [...]
March is when the red flowering currants bloom all over Seattle. [...]
An American kestrel soars above a silver moon and golden clouds. [...]
A common loon, Gavia immer, painted on an oyster shell. In the right light, their [...]
A Pacific Banana Slug slimes its way across some shield lichen. [...]
A curled up red fox peers from its nest of sword ferns, with one eye [...]
Rrrrrawwwk! A great blue heron, on an oyster shell. Soon to join my other shells [...]
A Pacific Sea Nettle jellyfish. They can get pretty big... not something I'd want to [...]
Yellow pond lilies, Nuphar lutea, on an oyster shell. I haven't seen one in person, [...]
A green darner dragonfly, the state insect of Washington. [...]
A bit of William Blake poetry -- from "Auguries of Innocence" -- with beach morning [...]
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